Vanity Fair just put out a piece that priced out Cindy McCain’s outfit from Monday night at the convention. You ready for this? Pricing it out piece by piece, the cost of the outfit was between $299,000 and $313,000!
From the article:
Cindy McCain Oscar de la Renta dress: $3,000 Chanel J12 White Ceramic Watch: $4,500 Three-carat diamond earrings: $280,000 Four-strand pearl necklace: $11,000–$25,000 Shoes, designer unknown: $600 Total: Between $299,100 and $313,100
I can totally see why they would call Obama an elitist. I mean, sure, I figured the suits that he wears cost at least a half-a-million dollars. Right? I’m sure he goes into his favorite haberdasher and says, “I’ll take the one with the pinstripes. Can you break a billion?”
Seven homes and $300K outfits… real ‘down-to-earth’ folks these McCains are.
So, I just read this article stating that the National Enquirer is about to release a story stating that Vice Presidential candidate and self-proclaimed ‘hockey mom with small town values, Sarah Palin, has had an affair with one of her husband’s business associates (see: another fisherman). Oops. Now, before you dismiss this by saying that it’s only the National Enquirer, they’re the one’s who broke the story of the John Edwards affair. Even more so, if there’s one truly politically neutral newspaper on the planet, I would say that it is the National Enquirer (they only want to make money, they don’t care who they smear).
The article isn’t out yet, so I haven’t read anything and there’s no verification that this is even true. However, it would be great if it was. Nothing like a sinking ship.
There’s a chance that we’ll soon have a President who, admittedly, doesn’t know how to use a computer or the internet and a Vice President who’s been outside of this country exactly once. Now, maybe it’s me, but I’m not OK with that.
I don’t want this to come out as a rant against small towns in this country, but Sarah Palin was right: small town people grow our food, work in our factories, and fight our wars. They don’t run our multi-national corporations, govern our large cities or, if there is any such thing as good karma in this world, have the ability to make decisions that effect billions of people. I’d rather leave that up to the well-educated, not the barefoot beauty queens.
This woman looks and sounds like a New Jersey soccer mom. That’s great, I’m not against them. I am, however, against a New Jersey soccer mom in the number two spot in the country. Speaking of the way she sounds, I can totally see how badly Saturday Night Live is going to make fun of her. That nasally-annoying voice and robotic speaking pattern. I can’t wait. But, I digress.
If the rest of the country can’t see through this sham, I feel sorry for us. If the McBush/Stalin ticket is elected, we deserve everything we get.
Oh, and by the way: they keep showing Bristol and her new ‘fiance’ (who I’m sure just JUMPED at the chance to marry her… must have been the shotgun pointed at him) on TV. Such a good looking, well-mannered young man. Here’s excerpts from his MySpace profile. Yeah, good luck with that.
I, like most American’s who are following politics, have been reading anything I can get my hands on regarding John McCain’s pick for VP, Sarah Palin. While I’ve shouted voiced my opinion on the subject to a few friends and co-workers, I decided to keep it away from my blog. However, after reading my very good friend Jackie Schechner’s almost continuing coverage of the situation, I thought it was time to chime in.
Oh yeah, she's qualified.
I don’t now if I should be really excited about this pick or really frightened. On the surface, I want to be excited. Surely, the choosing of such a clearly unqualified individual will result in the downfall of McCain’s bid for the White House. Even someone who is in favor of the Republican party and nearly blinded by the light of faith can add up the facts and see her shortcomings. This, for all intents and purposes, should be an early Christmas gift for the Democrats. Not only has McCain willfully removed the ‘inexperience’ sword from his armory, but he hastily chose a running mate without knowing the full baggage that comes with her.
It seems so obvious to me; there’s nothing that even needs to be made up in this situation. She bases her political agenda on family values, teaching abstinence and pro-life, then reveals she has a pregnant teenage daughter. Oh, she’s keeping the baby, so that speaks to the pro-life commitment and I keep hearing her repeat that Bristol is going to marry the father (interestingly enough, she never says when), but how about you get your own house in order before you tell me how to run mine? Why is no one screaming that this is a failure of her way of thinking by saying that teaching abstinence didn’t work? You can bet dollars-to-donuts that had this been Obama’s daughter they would have bought billboards saying that Dems ‘condoms-for-students’ programs are a sham. You know who could have realllly used a condom?
With all that, why would I be frightened? Four words: George Bush’s Second Term. I no longer will put anything past the stupidity of this country. No longer will I give the average American the benefit of the doubt. My faith has been shaken and nothing short of a landslide Obama victory will restore it. There’s an entire swath of folks in this country that will do whatever it is other’s tell them to do. Sheeple, I believe is the term. And unfortunately, the Republican’s no how to work the shit out of the sheeple.
I should be happy about this. I should be thinking that this is sewn up. However, what I am thinking is that this woman could very well be in the White House, one precious heartbeat away from sitting behind the desk.